When To Let Go

One of the hardest truths to come to terms with in your 20s is learning when to let go.  It's about learning when something doesn’t serve you anymore so you walk away from it. Whether that be a relationship, a friendship, a job it doesn’t matter what it is sometimes it's best to move on and let go. 

Letting go can be really scary because sometimes when we let go we don’t know what's on the other side other than something new. Something we aren’t prepared for. Learning to let go of toxic relationships and friendships that aren’t serving you anymore can be a hard thing to do, but also the best thing for you. And in your 20s it's about doing what's best for you. Some people call that selfish but it's not a time you get to focus on you and ultimately what will be the best thing for you. That can be hard if you get into a relationship or maybe you were friends for a really long time and now you are just going in two different directions. No matter what it is its important to stop and take time for you. Sometimes you have to ask yourself Is this person or situation serving me? And it can be a hard pill to swallow but you have to be honest with yourself. And being honest with yourself let's face it it can be kind of scary but it also helps you better yourself and help you be the best version of yourself. 

Most importantly, always make sure you are putting your needs first. Because the 20s are all about that. Your 20s are for figuring out what is best for you and finding what makes you happy. More than anything tho it is important to remember that you are in charge of your life. It is up to you. It is up to what will make you happy. Being around positive people is also really crucial because as the saying goes you are who you surround yourself with, make sure you pick positive people to be around not people who are secretly praying for your downfall.



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